Zygotes & Zealots

In the year and change since the Leo Court overturned Roe, Repub politicians redoubled their efforts to deny women agency in life-changing personal decisions and substituted GOP politicians’ half-baked religious fanaticism for medical science, making it impossible for women in many states to get treatment that meets modern medical care standards when experiencing life-threatening medical crises.

Red state governors signed so-called “heartbeat bills” that effectively ban abortion. The feral goons in the House attached antichoice riders to bills, as if legislating with a mandate to ban abortion.

Alabama’s Senator Potato Head is compromising national security by holding up hundreds of military nominations and promotions to try to change Pentagon abortion policy. It should be noted the DOD already doesn’t cover abortion due to federal law, but Tuberville objects to the military giving personnel stationed in red states time off to travel to states where modern reproductive healthcare is legal.

I’m no expert, but it seems like bad politics for Repubs to keep their antichoice extremist freak flag at full mast when red lights have been blinking on the electorate dashboard ever since the Dobbs decision came down, including in places like deep red Kansas and Ohio. Can they not see they’ve staked out a position that’s incredibly unpopular and likely to blow up in their faces?

They can see it — they just don’t have any politically palatable options, and their verbal flights of fancy in the recent debate demonstrate that. Here’s an excerpt from a TPM piece by Kate Riga, a reporter who covers reproductive health issues with uncommon persistence and insight:

“After I gave my life to Jesus Christ as my lord and savior I opened up the book and I read ‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you. And see I set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life,’” Mike Pence intoned from the debate stage Wednesday. “I knew from that moment on the cause of life had to be my cause.”*

Pence then took a whack at Nikki Haley, quipping that consensus is not leadership, and went on to tout his support for a federal ban on abortions starting 15 weeks after conception — quickly adding that there is 70 percent consensus behind such a ban (more on this below).

This moment, in the context of Pence’s career and the anti-abortion movement, is staggering.

Riga points out that proposing a 15-week federal abortion ban is a massive walk-back for zealots who believe zygotes are the equivalent of newborn babies. It’s not just Pence — antichoice group Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America signaled they are with Pence and the other two candidates who embraced a 15-week federal ban (Scott and Hutchinson).

It’s a good point. Whether the type of antichoice fanatics who scream “MURDERER” in people’s faces at clinics will be onboard with this “compromise” remains to be seen, but the SBA people are pretty hardcore — their president blasted candidates who said the matter should be left to the states, calling out Burgum by name — so their public acquiesce to a 15-week ban is stunning all by itself.

Riga concludes:

(Pence) is the man who, just a year ago, in prepared remarks, said that “our goal should be not just to make abortion illegal, but totally unthinkable for every American citizen,” that “we believe that life begins at conception.”

Dobbs revolutionized our politics, in ways we’re still reckoning with and struggling to predict. Nowhere is that more evident than in the “moderation” of Mike Pence, the anti-abortion crusader in search of a consensus to follow.

I think she’s right. The limp dissembling of other debate participants, including Nikki Haley and abortion-banner Ron DeSantis, underscores what a millstone they now perceive this issue is. Tuberville and the House howler monkeys don’t have to face a broad electorate; would-be presidents do.

It’ll be fascinating to see how Democrats approach this issue over the coming year. Beltway outlets speculate that VP Harris will take a lead role on the issue when the campaign begins in earnest, and Dems plan to hang antichoice extremism around the necks of every Repub up and down the ballot. Biden’s snarky ad buy for the debate illustrates the attitude. After all, we have the real consensus.

Open thread.

*Riga notes that Pence misleadingly cobbled together bible verses to make it sound like he has his lord and savior’s stamp of approval on antichoice policies. She also points out that Pence lied about 70% national consensus on 15-week bans.